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Home > Lucki Stars > Aphorisms & Memes

Aphorisms & Memes
Lucki Melander Wilder

" #PleaseStealThese "  -- Lucki
Why don't you ever do some of your own from your blogs? -- Bri Landis

Once again, I'm continuing to take Bri's advice. So, this year's quotes also come from Abiding Blog articles. Plus the usual baker's dozen for Baha'i events, focusing this year on the Writings of Shoghi Effendi and with the usual nod to the 12 Steps. If you have trouble seeing the smaller versions of the posters below, you can always use/repeat Ctrl + (plus sign) to zoom in and Ctrl - (minus sign) to zoom back out. Feel free to copy/paste any images anywhere. Your social media, emails, a card, poster, T-shirt, whatever. But just for your personal use, not $-making. Please don't crop credit lines. Do use hashtags. Feel free to email me to request a high-res copy of any image(s) on this page. And enjoy!

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2024-10-21 Choose   #ServiceTheyDid   #YourVoteCounts sure that you're voting for someone who truly represents the kind of citizen and human being you are and/or want to be. Vote for the person who represents your BEST self. #ServiceTheyDid #YourVoteCounts #AbidingBlog2018Represent
Entries for 2024
01-01 Most Awesome
01-08 Could Let Him
01-15 About Unity
01-22 About Peace
01-29 About Justice
02-05 About Balance
02-12 Used To Think
02-19 Now I See
02-26 Intercalary
92-26 Dirty Word?
03-01 Symbolic
03-04 No Trust?
03-11 No Plan?
03-18 Why Bother?
03-20 Rejoicing
03-25 What Results?
04-01 Right Side?
04-08 My Anchor
04-15 I'm A Member
04-20 Arriving
04-22 The Pacific
04-28 Signalizing
04-29 Right There
05-01 Declaring
05-06 Dream Life
05-13 Being A Guest
05-20 Love Words
05-23 Exalted
05-27 Steal Words
05-28 Incomparable
06-03 Save Words
06-10 Have Words
06-17 Good Hugs
06-24 Rey Was A Kid
07-01 You Do
07-08 To Spend Any
07-09 Made Heirs
07-15 To Go To
07-22 To Suss Out
07-29 To Decide If
08-05 To Join In
08-12 Make Time
08-19 Make Plain
08-26 Make A Day
09-02 Basic
09-09 Vital
09-16 Wrong
09-23 Represent
09-30 Trust
10-07 Build
10-14 Look
10-21 Choose
10-28 Savor
11-02 Matchless
11-03 One Of These
11-04 Count
11-11 Ten Things
11-18 Five People
11-25 Three Steps
11-26 Center & Pivot
KEY - List Date-color:
Black = Blog Quote
Blue = In the Rooms
Gold = Upcoming
Red = Step/Baha'i Event
Violet = Book/Life Quote

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xHashtags for 2024   #AwesomeGrandmother   #Bahaullah 2 3 4   #Balance   #BaldEagle   #BeingAGuest   #DirtyWord   #Distrust   #DontStandBy   #DreamLife   #ExaltedStation   #EyesOnTheEagle   #FalseMemes   #FeelTheBigness   #FineLine   #GetAHug   #GiftGiving   #GiveAHug   #GiveMeSpoilers 2 3 4 5   #Glorious   #grandMya   #HaveAPlan 2   #Hospitality 2   #HowAreYou 2 3   #ImAMember   #ImHome   #InLivingColor    #InTheGarden 2 3   #Joy   #JustDoIt   #Justice   #LeonardSnart   #LookAtMyself   #LookAtResults   #LoveSpoilers 2 3 4 5   #MakeAList 2   #MakeTheirDay 2 3   #Meme   #MotherTongue   #NewWords   #NuancedLanguage 2 3   #NumberTwoSon   #Obedience   #OldIdeas   #OwnAgenda 2   #Peace   #Perks   #PersonalAnchor   #Politics   #PracticeDemocracy 2 3 4   #PreciseWords   #Reminder   #ResultsMatter   #RightSideOfHistory   #SameDistance   #SameSize   #ServiceTheyDid 2 3 4   #SpiritualLeaders   #StandUp   #StillLearningEnglish   #StolenWords   #Symbol   #TheBab 2   #TheFlash   #ThePacific   #ThingsToDo   #TrueMemes   #Unity   #YourVoteCounts 2 3 4   #YourVoteIsVital 2 3 4          #MyaWilder

2024-10-14 Look  
#ServiceTheyDid   #YourVoteCounts

Instead, base that trust on looking at what they've actually done ... and, most importantly, what true and useful and unifying service they've already given. #ServiceTheyDid #YourVoteCounts #AbidingBlog2018Represent
2024-10-07 Build
#ServiceTheyDid   #YourVoteCounts

Don't try to build that trust by listening to the promises [the candidates] make, which they may or may not keep. #ServiceTheyDid #YourVoteCounts #AbidingBlog2018Represent
2024-09-30 Trust
#ServiceTheyDid   #YourVoteCounts

So yes, vote for someone you can trust will represent you and your best interests. #ServiceTheyDid #YourVoteCounts #AbidingBlog2018Represent
2024-09-23 Represent

#PracticeDemocracy   #YourVoteIsVital

Voting is about representing...To represent is to speak or act for someone else. To represent is also to serve as a stand-up and stand-out example of yourself and others like you. #PracticeDemocracy #YourVoteIsVital #AbidingBlog2018Represent
2024-09-16 Wrong

#PracticeDemocracy   #YourVoteIsVital

And anyone who tells you not to bother voting is as wrong, and nefarious, as anyone who tries to steal or suppress your vote. It's YOURS. Use it! ( might lose it.) #PracticeDemocracy #YourVoteIsVital #AbidingBlog2018Represent
2024-09-09 Vital

#PracticeDemocracy   #YourVoteIsVital

So, your vote is vital. It can make a difference. It's both your right and your duty. #PracticeDemocracy #YourVoteIsVital #AbidingBlog2018Represent
2024-09-02 Basic
#PracticeDemocracy   #YourVoteIsVital

...the vote is indeed the basic building block of our democracy. Of our country. Of our national culture. #PracticeDemocracy #YourVoteIsVital #AbidingBlog2018Represent
2024-08-26 Make A Day

#HowAreYou   #MakeTheirDay

[Written during the pandemic] It doesn't cost anything but a moment of your time. And given the stress we're all under, it might just make your healthcare-giver's whole day. #HowAreYou #MakeTheirDay #AbidingBlog2020You
2024-08-19 Make Plain

#HowAreYou   #MakeTheirDay

[Written during the pandemic] Make it plain that you really want to know. That in response to the care you've been given, you want to express how much you care, too. #HowAreYou #MakeTheirDay #AbidingBlog2020You
2024-08-12 Make Time

#HowAreYou   #MakeTheirDay

[Written during the pandemic] After s/he has addressed your need, before you leave, ask your doctor, your dentist, your nurse, your physical therapist, your etc., how S/HE is doing. #HowAreYou #MakeTheirDay #AbidingBlog2020You
2024-08-05 To Join In

#LoveSpoilers   #GiveMeSpoilers

I'm more likely to...go on the journey you went on if I know more about where you ended up ... So I can...enjoy the scenery (and my fellow passengers...and my memories of the mental 'photographs' you shared with me) along the way. #LoveSpoilers #GiveMeSpoilers #AbidingBlog2019Spoilage
2024-07-29 To Decide If

#LoveSpoilers   #GiveMeSpoilers

My pennies are precious, my minutes even more so ... [T]o really interest me in a book or a film or a TV program or a stage play, tell me in detail the things that surprised you. Informed you. Gave you pause to think. Satisfied you at the end. #LoveSpoilers #GiveMeSpoilers #AbidingBlog2019Spoilage

2024-07-22 To Suss Out

#LoveSpoilers   #GiveMeSpoilers

I enjoy spoilers: Or maybe it's 'cuz knowing ahead of time allows me more bandwidth to pay attention to the process. To suss out how a writer is writing. To enjoy how an actor is interpreting. To grok what decisions a director is making. #LoveSpoilers #GiveMeSpoilers #AbidingBlog2019Spoilage

2024-07-15 To Go To

#LoveSpoilers   #GiveMeSpoilers

I enjoy spoilers: Or maybe it's 'cuz I can enjoy the journey a whole lot more if I don't have to worry about where the destination is. #LoveSpoilers #GiveMeSpoilers #AbidingBlog2019Spoilage
For Martyrdom of the Bab & Step 9
2024-07-09 Made Heirs
#SpiritualLeaders   #TheBab

[The Bab] assured them that if they did God's bidding, God would make them His heirs and spiritual leaders amont men. #SpiritualLeaders #TheBab #shoghieffendi
2024-07-08 To Spend Any
#LoveSpoilers   #GiveMeSpoilers

I enjoy spoilers: Maybe it's 'cuz my free time and disposable income are less than copious, so I'm more apt to spend my minutes and money on something that I have extra evidence is really gonna be worth it. #LoveSpoilers #GiveMeSpoilers #AbidingBlog2019Spoilage
2024-07-01 You Do

#ThingsToDo   #JustDoIt

...sometimes there's something you HAVE to do, sometimes there's something you WANT to do, sometimes there's something you MANAGE to do, and sometimes there's something you just DO. #ThingsToDo #JustDoIt #AbidingBlog2019Haf2
2024-06-23 Rey Was A Kid

#SameSize   #SameDistance

Rey was a kid. Scale wasn't all that important to him yet. Everything seemed big. The moon and the Neutral Zone were equally distant. If the Eagle really existed, then so did the Enterprise. The wonders of childhood. #SameSize #SameDistance #AbidingBlog2019Rides
2024-06-17 Good Hugs

#GiveAHug   #GetAHug

[At the AA meeting, several people] mentioned how they appreciate my hugs. What they don't get is that I'm not GIVING good hugs, I'm GETTING good hugs. #GiveAHug #GetAHug #AbidingBlog2019Fifty
2024-06-10 Have Words  
#NuancedLanguage   #PreciseWords

Like, we didn't settle for saying "that longish, broad, heavy knife used as a sickle or weapon" ... Instead, we stole the world "machete". And you now know exactly what I'm talking about. You know what it looks like. You know how it's used. #NuancedLanguage #PreciseWords #AbidingBlog2018Reword
2024-06-03 Save Words   #NuancedLanguage   #NewWords
Our penchant for picking the pockets of other languages saves us from having to use long descriptive phrases when we want to hone in on something specific. #NuancedLanguage #NewWords #AbidingBlog2018Reword
For Ascension
(passing) of Baha'u'llah & Step 8
2024-05-28 Incomparable
#Glorious   #Bahaulluh

Dominating the entire range of this fascinating spectacle towers the incomparable figure of Baha'u'llah, transcendental in His majesty, serene, awe-inspiring, unapporachably glorious. #Glorious #Bahaullah #shoghieffendi

2024-05-27 Steal Words
#NuancedLanguage   #StolenWords

English is arguably by far the most (rhyme-poor) nuance-rich language in the world. Because it unabashedly steals words from every language known to man. #NuancedLanguage #StolenWords #AbidingBlog2018Reword
For Declaration of the Bab & Step 7
2024-05-23 Exalted
#ExaltedStation   #TheBab

[E]nable every follower of the better understand and more readily grasp the tremendous implications of [the Bab's] exalted station and to more ardently admire and love Him. #ExaltedStation #TheBab #shoghieffendi
2024-05-20 Love Words

#StillLearningEnglish   #MotherTongue

I love words. When people ask me why I never learned a foreign language, I tell them that I'm still busy learning English. #StillLearningEnglish #MotherTongue #AbidingBlog2018Reword
2024-05-13 Being A Guest

#BeingAGuest   #Perks

One of the perks of being a guest rather than a tourist is getting introduced to places and people one's hosts are familiar with. #BeingAGuest #Perks #AbidingBlog2018Hi
2024-05-06 Dream Life

#DreamLife   #InLivingColor

I still have a rich, detailed, complex, even compelling dream life. In living technicolor. Good to know. #DreamLife #InLivingColor #AbidingBlog2018Naughtmare
For Twelfth of Ridvan & Step 6
2024-05-01 Declaring
#InTheGarden   #Bahaullah

[continues from 04/28] ...the festival commemorating the Declaration of His Mission to His companions. #InTheGarden #Bahaullah #shoghieffendi

2024-04-29 Right There
#BaldEagle   #EyesOnTheEagle
On the train: I espied a bald eagle sitting in a treetop ... And I had my camera right there in my hand. So I did the smartest thing possible. I did not lift my camera ... Instead, I kept my eyes on the eagle ... Until it was out of sight. #BaldEagle #EyesOnTheEagle #AbidingBlog2018Wings
For Ninth of Ridvan & Step 5
2024-04-28 Signalizing
#InTheGarden   #Bahaullah

[continues from 04/20] ...signalizes the commencement of what has come to be recognized as the holiest and most significant of all Baha'i festivals... [continues on 05/01] #InTheGarden #Bahaullah #shoghieffendi

2024-04-22 The Pacific

#ThePacific   #FeelTheBigness

I finally got the chance -- another first in my life -- to clamber past a line of driftwood, head down the beach, step to the edge of the water ... reach down barehanded, and touch the Pacific. I could practically feel the bigness. #ThePacific #FeelTheBigness #AbidingBlog2018Runs
For First of Ridvan & Step 4
2024-04-20 Arriving
#InTheGarden   #Bahaullah

The arrival of Baha'u'llah in the Najibiyyih Garden, subsequently designated by His followers the Garden of Ridvan... [continues on 04/28] #InTheGarden #Bahaullah #shoghieffendi

2024-04-15 I'm A Member

#ImAMember   #ImHome

The Baha'i Faith and AA are very alike in this: Wherever in the world I attend a gathering, I'm not just welcomed, I'm a member and I'm home. #ImAMember #ImHome #AbidingBlog2018Touristish
2024-04-08 My Anchor
#PersonalAnchor   #NumberTwoSon

After the Halloween Horror Story:  I went through the doors and simply leaned on [Mead]. We both laughed. I don't know what kind of anchor the ferry used; but he was definitely mine, there. #PersonalAnchor #NumberTwoSon #AbidingBlog2018Homeish
2024-04-01 Right Side?
#LookAtMyself   #RightSideOfHistory

And if the results...really bother me, I should look at myself, my values, my actions, my growth, my faith, my hopes and my results to see whether or not I'm on the right side of (future) history. #LookAtMyself #RightSideOfHistory #AbidingBlog2018Agenda
2024-03-25 What Results?
#LookAtResults   #ResultsMatter

So how do I suss out whether/what an agenda is? Instead of getting hung up on the "agenda", real or imagined, I need to look at the results. That's what matters. #LookAtResults #ResultsMatter #AbidingBlog2018Agenda
For Naw-Ruz & Step 3
2024-03-20 Rejoicing
#Joy   #Hospitality

Naw-Ruz is our New Year, a Feast of hospitality and rejoicing. #Joy #Hospitality #shoghieffendi

2024-03-18 Why Bother?

#MakeAList   #HaveAPlan

If I don't have a plan for at (at least) my day, a list of things I need or want or hope to do, why even bother to get out of bed? #MakeAList #HaveAPlan #AbidingBlog2018Agenda

2024-03-11 No Plan?
#MakeAList   #HaveAPlan
Well, of course I do. I should hope so. An agenda is, according to the dictionary, "A plan or list of things to be done." #MakeAPlan #HaveAPlan #AbidingBlog2018Agenda

2024-03-04 No Trust?

#OwnAgenda   #Distrust

People don't even make the accusation any more that "You have a hidden agenda!" ... No, they just retort, or even scream, "I don't trust you. You have your own agenda." #OwnAgenda #Distrust #AbidingBlog2018Agenda
For 19-Day (daylight) Fast & Step 2
2024-03-01 Symbolic
#Symbol   #Reminder

Fasting is symbolic, and a reminder of abstinence from selfish and carnal desires. #Symbol #Reminder #shoghieffendi

2024-02-26 Dirty Word?
#DirtyWord   #OwnAgenda 
When did the word "agenda", all by itself, become a dirty word? #DirtyWord #OwnAgenda #AbidingBlog2018Agenda
For Ayyam-i-Ha & Step 1
2024-02-26 Intercalary
#GiftGiving   #Hospitality

The intercalary days are specifically set aside for hospitality, the giving of gifts, etc. #GiftGiving #Hospitality #shoghieffendi

2024-02-19 Now I See

#TrueMemes   #DontStandBy

The Baha'i Faith and the rooms of recovery helped me to see that I was wrong. God isn't like that. But some people are. And when it comes to injustice, I gotta call 'em like I see 'em. #TrueMemes #DontStandBy #AbidingBlog2018Mean

2024-02-12 Used To Think

#FalseMemes   #OldIdeas

I used to think God was...two-faced...neglectful, capricious, disdainful, angry, judgmental, vengeful, punishing, [and] a sadistic paranoid schizophrenic. #FalseMemes #OldIdeas #AbidingBlog2018Mean
2024-02-05 About Balance
#FineLine   #Balance 

Threading one's way between those concepts can be a fine line to walk. #FineLine #Balance #AbidingBlog2018Mean
2024-01-29 About Justice
#StandUp   #Justice 

As a Baha'i, I'm not supposed to stand by when someone - anyone - is being denied what's rightfully theirs. Being oppressed by the powerful. Being victimized by injustice. That's unjust, and the Baha'i Faith is all about justice. #StandUp #Justice #AbidingBlog2018Mean
2024-01-22 About Peace
#Obedience   #Peace 

As a Baha'i, I'm not supposed to be disobedient or rebellious against my rightful government. Nor wish ill upon it or anyone in it. Nor bad-mouth it. That's turmoil, and the Baha'i Faith is all about peace. #Obedience #Peace #AbidingBlog2018Mean
2024-01-15 About Unity
#Politics   #Unity

As a Baha'i, I'm not supposed to get enmeshed in political partisanship. That's divisive, and the Baha'i Faith is all about unity. #Politics #Unity #AbidingBlog2018Mean
2024-01-08 Could Let Him
#TheFlash   #LeonardSnart 

A telling aspect of the relationship between Flash & Snart: Flash could see the good in Snart. And Snart could let him. Snart could see the bad in Flash. And Flash could let him.  #TheFlash #LeonardSnart #AbidingBlog2017ColdCut
2024-01-01 Most Awesome
#Meme   #AwesomeGrandmother   #grandMya

grandMya & GRAMS: "Wait ... did you just say 'meme'?" "YEAH." "You know what a MEME is?" "YEAH...DOESN"T EVERYONE?" "No. They don't. Most of my friends know, but their parents don't. Even my mom doesn't...You just became the most awesome Grans EVER!"  #Meme #AwesomeGrandmother #grandMya #AbidingBlog2017Memes

Feel free to email me to offer feedback, request a high-reolution image, receive occasional reminders of new entries, or call attention to your own (un)favorites. Not all feedback necessarily appears for this page, and may be edited for links, typos, multi-source redundancy, and relevancy. That doesn't mean, though, that we consider negative feedback irrelevant, edit it for content, or refuse to post it, as negative feedback can often help us learn to do more and better.

email your feedback with MEMES and the entry date as the subject

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