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It is incumbent upon every one of us to encourage each other....

quoted in Bahiyyih Khanum

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We've given up on gettin' 'em all to agree; they all mess up something.

xa/o October 1, 2024:
     Guests...                  953
xwho've Liked us     767

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Home > Portals

Earthstar Portals

Sometimes all the reward an artist desires is recognition and feedback. Other times all an artist needs is a place to tell people what’s available. Earthstar Portals is preparing a place like that.

A place where you, the artist, can:

  >  Link people to your own web site
  >  Tell people what you have for sale & how to contact you
  >  Park your work online for all to enjoy*

A place where you, the aficionado, can:

  >  See what’s available
  >  Find out how to contact artists
  >  Provide feedback

A place where artist and aficionado can meet for free.

Earthstar Portals Quilt*
Click here to see our quilt of artist offers/links; and check back periodically for further additions.

Earthstar Portals Repository
Our repository of free work by contributing artists is in the process of being assembled. Click here to see what’s already available, and check back periodically for further additions.

Also check out our own freebies elsewhere, such as Spiritual Substance and Anasazi Anthem.

Earthstar Portals Bibliography
Amazon's Buy-It-Now feature stopped functioning for us, so we've reworked the page into a simple bibliography. You'll find it useful if you somewhat remember we recommended a title or author, but can't remember where on the site or the exact name. We assume that the items listed in the bibliography are still available on Amazon (or) somewhere.

Special Invitation*
If you’re a writer, visual artist, or handcrafter interested in being an Earthstar Portals Contributor (display free work*) or Affiliate (promote work for sale), please email us with PORTALS as the first word of the Subject line.

*Note: Individuals featured are responsible for informing our team when their information on this website needs to be updated.

*Initially, work stored for online viewing will be limited to short written works.

ADDED during September

* Abiding Blog reminisced about my 1st black President (not who you think).
* Adding Insult weathered an irritating advert.
* Aphorisms & Memes added a starry string of 5 related weekly posters. Start at September 2 & work upward.(#PleaseStealThese)
* And HelenArt added 2 new pix.

* Note that we're combatting inflation by keeping some of our gift items at
2023 prices.
* And feel free to use our Meme hashtags & posters in your social media. Just give credit where credit's due.

      aniME (#grandMya blog)
lucki stars
   abiding blog (blog 1)
   adding insult (blog 2)
   anasazi anthem
   aphorisms & memes (blog 3)
   feed me
   spiritual substance

F E A T U R E D   I T E M S

Whether visiting
in person or via Zoom,
give a gift
for that special
holiday or Holy Day,
birthday or anniversary,
first day or graduation day,
or any other occasion.

Or buy something special for yourself.


This is a stellar opportunity to acquire a unique & colorful piece of Outsider art at a very reasonable price. Or you can commission one illuminating a favorite quotation or idea.

Visit Helena's visual-art gallery here.

This book has been hailed as groundbreaking in ways too complex to cover in a blurb.
If you're interested in getting the skinny from the horse's mouth, ask via email.

Find TWIGS on Amazon here.

--  REMINDER  --
You can use
virtual payment methods
for many of our

What You Say... Twigs of a Family Tree
  Congratulations on the completion of such a milestone project, Lucki.
-- Keith Hamilton Cobb, NY

  [Give] this book to someone who is struggling with a spiritual quest, with addiction, or with personal trauma....
-- Claire Kuhl, SC Gallifreyan Patches
   I own a patch...It looks great!...I think they're all fantastic.
-- Loren Sherman, MA

  Looks great. I really appreciate the thought you put into it. It's perfect.
-- Vivian Alvarez, GA

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  Copyright © 2010, 2013, 2017, 2020, 2024 by Earthstar Works